Camp Counselor Training
All Counselors and Volunteers are required to complete the following training modules from the Project-Core website. The training modules can be found under the Professional Development Modules. Please make sure to sign up to receive a Certificate of Completion. Training Modules are to be completed no later than May 13th at 8:00 a.m. MST, and should be submitted to the Project Core Certificates and Agreement Form.
Module 2: Universal Core Vocabulary (18 mins)
Module 4: Aided Language Input (18 mins)
Module 6: Teaching Communication During Daily Routines and Activities (10 mins)
All Counselors and Volunteers are required to attend 2 training sessions prior to the start of AAC Camp. Training Sessions will be in-person on the ISU Meridian Campus. Zoom will be available, as needed, to join in the training sessions. Please contact Mary at for the Zoom link for the training sessions.
May 13th 2:30 p.m.-4:30 p.m.
May 20th 2:30 p.m.-4:30 p.m.
Counselor Application
Counselors are a crucial part of AAC Camp. In the past, counselors have been undergraduate and graduate students, paraprofessionals, teachers, and all others who have wanted to learn more about working with individuals who use AAC for communication.
All those interested in being a counselor for AAC Camp must complete a Camp Counselor Application.
Please complete the Counselor Application by March 25, 2024!
For any questions, please contact Mary Van Donsel via email: